Agile robotics presents a difficult challenge with robots moving at high speeds requiring precise and low-latency sensing and control. Creating agile motion that accomplishes the task at hand while being safe to execute is a key requirement for agile robots to gain human trust. This requires designing new approaches that are flexible and maintain knowledge over world constraints. In this paper, we consider the problem of building a flexible and adaptive controller for a challenging agile mobile manipulation task of hitting ground strokes on a wheelchair tennis robot. We propose and evaluate an extension to work done on learning striking behaviors using a probabilistic movement primitive (ProMP) framework by (1) demonstrating the safe execution of learned primitives on an agile mobile manipulator setup, and (2) proposing an online primitive refinement procedure that utilizes evaluative feedback from humans on the executed trajectories.
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Quantitative cephalometric analysis is the most widely used clinical and research tool in modern orthodontics. Accurate localization of cephalometric landmarks enables the quantification and classification of anatomical abnormalities, however, the traditional manual way of marking these landmarks is a very tedious job. Endeavours have constantly been made to develop automated cephalometric landmark detection systems but they are inadequate for orthodontic applications. The fundamental reason for this is that the amount of publicly available datasets as well as the images provided for training in these datasets are insufficient for an AI model to perform well. To facilitate the development of robust AI solutions for morphometric analysis, we organise the CEPHA29 Automatic Cephalometric Landmark Detection Challenge in conjunction with IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2023). In this context, we provide the largest known publicly available dataset, consisting of 1000 cephalometric X-ray images. We hope that our challenge will not only derive forward research and innovation in automatic cephalometric landmark identification but will also signal the beginning of a new era in the discipline.
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Deep learning approaches for spatio-temporal prediction problems such as crowd-flow prediction assumes data to be of fixed and regular shaped tensor and face challenges of handling irregular, sparse data tensor. This poses limitations in use-case scenarios such as predicting visit counts of individuals' for a given spatial area at a particular temporal resolution using raster/image format representation of the geographical region, since the movement patterns of an individual can be largely restricted and localized to a certain part of the raster. Additionally, current deep-learning approaches for solving such problem doesn't account for the geographical awareness of a region while modelling the spatio-temporal movement patterns of an individual. To address these limitations, there is a need to develop a novel strategy and modeling approach that can handle both sparse, irregular data while incorporating geo-awareness in the model. In this paper, we make use of quadtree as the data structure for representing the image and introduce a novel geo-aware enabled deep learning layer, GA-ConvLSTM that performs the convolution operation based on a novel geo-aware module based on quadtree data structure for incorporating spatial dependencies while maintaining the recurrent mechanism for accounting for temporal dependencies. We present this approach in the context of the problem of predicting spatial behaviors of an individual (e.g., frequent visits to specific locations) through deep-learning based predictive model, GADST-Predict. Experimental results on two GPS based trace data shows that the proposed method is effective in handling frequency visits over different use-cases with considerable high accuracy.
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对社交媒体上的COVID-19疫苗接种的公众讨论不仅对于解决当前的Covid-19-19大流行,而且对于未来的病原体爆发而言至关重要。我们检查了一个Twitter数据集,其中包含7500万英文推文,讨论2020年3月至2021年3月的Covid-19疫苗接种。我们使用自然语言处理(NLP)技术培训了一种立场检测算法,以将推文分为“反Vax”或“ pro-Vax”或“ Pro-Vax” ',并使用主题建模技术检查话语的主要主题。虽然Pro-Vax推文(3700万)远远超过反VAX推文(1000万),但两种姿态的大多数推文(63%的反VAX和53%的Pro-Vax推文)都来自双稳定的用户,他们都发布了两者在观察期间,亲和反VAX推文。 Pro-Vax推文主要集中在疫苗开发上,而反VAX推文则涵盖了广泛的主题,其中一些主题包括真正的问题,尽管存在很大的虚假性。尽管从相反的角度讨论了这两个立场,但两种立场都是常见的。模因和笑话是最转推消息之一。尽管对反vax话语的两极分化和在线流行的担忧是毫无根据的,但针对虚假的有针对性的反驳很重要。
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我们寻求基于8,380临床验证样品的咳嗽声,评估Covid-19的快速初级筛查工具的检测性能,从8,380临床验证的样品进行实验室分子测试(2,339 Covid-19阳性和6,041个Covid-19负面)。根据患者的定量RT-PCR(QRT-PCR)分析,循环阈值和淋巴细胞计数,根据结果和严重程度临床标记样品。我们所提出的通用方法是一种基于经验模式分解(EMD)的算法,其随后基于音频特征的张量和具有称为Deplecough的卷积层的深层人工神经网络分类器的分类。基于张量尺寸的数量,即DepeCough2D和DeepCOUGH3D,两种不同版本的深度。这些方法已部署在多平台概念验证Web应用程序CoughDetect中以匿名管理此测试。 Covid-19识别结果率达到了98.800.83%,敏感性为96.431.85%的有前途的AUC(面积),特异性为96.201.74%,81.08%5.05%AUC,用于识别三个严重程度。我们提出的Web工具和支持稳健,快速,需要Covid-19的需求识别的基础算法有助于快速检测感染。我们认为,它有可能大大妨碍世界各地的Covid-19大流行。
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同时翻译系统在处理输入流中的部分源句子时开始产生输出。这些系统需要决定何时读取更多输入以及何时编写输出。这些决定取决于源/目标语言的结构以及部分输入序列中包含的信息。因此,读/写决策策略在不同的输入方式(即语音和文本)中保持不变。这激发了我们利用与语音输入相对应的文本成绩单,以改善同时的语音到文本翻译(Simulst)。我们建议通过同时使用文本到文本翻译(SIMULMT)任务来改善Simulst系统的决策政策,以改善Simulst系统的决策政策。我们还将几种技术从离线语音翻译域扩展,以探索Simulmt任务在改善Simulst性能中的作用。总体而言,我们在不同的延迟制度(ENDE)SIMULST任务的不同延迟制度中取得了34.66% / 4.5 BLEU的改进。
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我们考虑从网络中的量化样本中学习参数分布的问题。具体而言,$ n $代理或传感器可观察到未知参数分布的独立样本;他们每个人都使用$ k $位来描述其观察到的样本到中央处理器,其目标是估计未知分布。首先,我们将著名的货车树木不平等地概括为一般的$ l_p $ - norms($ p> 1 $),就广义渔民信息而言。然后,我们在两次损失的估计误差上开发了最小值下限:一般$ l_p $ - norms和最佳运输中相关的瓦斯坦损失。
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